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Posts Tagged ‘service’

Thoughts on LODD

Posted by hdf561 on February 14, 2012

In the wake of the two recent VA LODD’s I have been thinking a lot about dying in the line of duty. Not dwelling on it or being fearful, but seriously trying to perform some self-reflection and think about the impact these events have on us all.

Every firefighter death is tragic, not all are necessary, but all are tragic. Not to diminish any firefighters death but it seems the ones that are close to home affect me more. I learn attempt to learn something from every LODD but for whatever reason these 2 LODD’s have really got me thinking.

First and foremost I do not have a death wish, I do not fear it, and realize that one day my number will be called either on the job, or off. I also realize that I signed up to put my life in harm’s way if there is a chance to save another. It is something that anyone on the job has done 100 times over. Like most I have had some close calls, but always seem to try to take the lesson from it and not to dwell on it in fear of losing the edge it takes to do the job.

There are two big problems in my eyes with firefighters and LODD’s. The first is denile. A lot of us are in denile that anything like this could ever happen to us. It is either ego driven (I have been doing this long enough there is nothing I can’t do), or complacency driven (We do not go to fires anymore kid). It is not a coincidence that these two attitudes also typically influence the persons desire to participate in training (fire or physical training). The second problem is failure to realize that our actions affect others. Maybe it is ego, selfishness, or ignorance but what ever the case far to often we only think about our actions affecting us, seldom do we examine the impact our death or serious injury will have on our department, shift, family, friends, or children. If we sat down and thought about his more often we may be more inclined to take steps to prevent LODD’s of all types.

I have been thinking about this ever since the death of Joshua Wiessman, and it has been magnified since the death of Zach Withacre. I can especially relate to Zach’s death as my brother, father and I are all in the fires service and at one time volunteered together, and worked in the same career department together. I have lost count the amount of times one, both, or all three of us were on the same rig together, or at the same fire together. As per usual neither of us really though about the impact one or all of our deaths would have had on our family, and that is not right, or respectful to the ones who sacrifice a lot so that we can do this job.

The bottom line is our actions affect others. I have to be on top of my game at all times not just for me or the citizens, but for my shift, and my family. If I am not at the top of my game then I run the risk of hurting them in a far worse way than physical pain. If you do not belive me, then take a look at the video below. I’m sure most of you have seen it, but it will put in your face how much your actions impact others more than words ever can.

As for me the final conclusion of my thoughts, and feelings has led me to this. I am more motivated than ever to train every day, learn as much as I can about this job, workout so that I can perform to my highest ability at all times, and do my best no matter the haters to ensure that everyone goes home, and spread the message of good firefighting tactics, operations, and training. Not for me, not for the personal satisfaction (not that I ever did any of this for that anyway) but for you, them, and they. I want to be the best I can be for my family, your family, the citizens, my shift mates, and anyone else that is effected by my actions. The only way to do this is to train your mind, and body like you are getting ready for a fight, because you are fighting for the life of those around you and yourself. Do not go in to your fight unready. I will be ready, and if I do not survive my fight, hopefully everyone will know that I was as prepared as I could be, for it.

I do not think I am going to be able to make it to the funeral for Alexandria Fire Department Paramedic Joshua Wiseman, but that does not mean you should not go! If you can not go at least make a donation to his memorial fund

Joshua A. Weissman Memorial Fund c/o Alexandria Firefighters, Inc – IAFF Local 2141 4600 Duke Street, Suite 429 Alexandria, VA 22304

As usual thanks for reading, spread the word, and STAY SAFE!


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January Drill Of The Month: Ladder Climbing

Posted by hdf561 on January 10, 2012


With the recent injuries, and deaths involving ladders (I know they were aerialladders) I felt that this month it would be a good idea to return to some basic drilling and go over some safe ways to climb ladders.

Lets face it climbing ladders is tough on a normal day, people fall from ladders all of the time and they do not have to wear PPE, SCBA,or carry tools, and rescue victims.

Unfortunately climbing ladders is something I feel we take for granted especially from an engine company perspective. Think the last time your ladder came off the engine? It probably only comes off to check it, or to clean it.

So now lets look at some important points when climbing ladders:

1. Always maintain three points of contact with a ladder:  This is accomplished by using the beams instead of the rungs. When your climbing let your hands slide along the beams, this way you always have 1 foot and 2 hands in contact with the ladder at all times, making it easier to catch yourself if you were to slip. This also in my opinion makes the climb smoother. When you use the rungs the ladders tend to bounce a lot due to the shifting of your entire body weight from one side to the other, you really see this in your straight stick aerials and longer extension ladders (35-40 footers). If you slide up the rails if takes some of the bounce out making the climb easier. This also makes victim rescue techniques easier.

2. Slide the tools: This goes along with the above but we should never be empty-handed on the fireground, so we need a way to carry tools up the ladder. With smaller tools like the halligan and axe using the same slide technique as mentioned above works well, and maintains ladder contact. With longer tools like hooks, simply use the length of the tool and hook it on the highest rung you can reach. When you reach the head of the tool repeat until you have reached your destination.

3. Use Rope: Were we really get into trouble is carrying saws to the roof. Saws are heavy, they take a hand away causing us to break contact with the ladder, and they can through us off-balance. In this case rope is the answer. Take a rope bag (I carry a 50 footer on my air pack at all times) tie or clip the rope to the saw, then start climbing (with the bag attached to you of course) while you’re climbing the rope should play out. Once you reach your destination you can then hoist the saw up. Utilizing this method allows for you to climb the ladder safer, more efficient, and faster than having to lug the saw up. It also allows you to carry your hand tools as well.

4.  Aerial Ladders: Climbing Aerial Ladders is a different animal all together. Some of the same techniques work (using the beams when at low angles, and using the hook method for long tools) but all together it is different. If you have a bucket try to utilize it as often as possible. This will reduce fatigue (easier to ride than climb), allow you to carry all of the tools you need, and give you a relatively safe working platform. If you must climb an Aerial ladder then you must be equipped with a ladder belt, or some sort of fall protection device

5. Footing the ladder: It amazes me that people are still getting taught to foot the ladder from the rear. The best place to be is in the front. You can see what is happening to the building, you can see what is happening to the firefighters climbing the ladder, you are in the perfect position for victim rescue (firefighter or civilian), and you can assist in taking the bounce out of the ladder. In addition you can keep an eye what is going on, and avoid falling debris.

Bottom line is climbing ladders is a serious, and dangerous part of our job. It should never be taken for granted, and should be practiced often. Take some time this month to pull the ladders off the rig and climb ladders. You should of course be doing this in full PPE and SCBA in order to get the full effect.

Do not forget to keep following along on twitter @averagejakeff

As usual thanks for reading, spread the word, and STAY SAFE!


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