Average Jake Firefighter Blog

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  • Average Jake


Posted by hdf561 on November 1, 2011

I just wanted to say a quick thanks to all the people out there that continue to read the site and follow along on Twitter.

When I first started this thing it was honestly out of sheer frustration. I was in a position where I felt like I had to say about a lot of various fire service topics and had no outlet. I was frustrated with the lack of motivation, attention to detail, and love for the fire service from members of my department. I was angry that the phrase “That guy loves the fire department” when said about someone was ment as a cautionary warning rather than praise.

So I started writing, and slowly but surely I have gathered a small but loyal following, as many as 80-200 people view this site everyday and while in the grand scheme of things it may seem small to me each and every time someone looks at this I feel great. If one person learns one thing from my postings, ramblings, etc. then I have accomplished my mission.

I do not do this for notoriety, money, fame, or anything else. I simply feel that I have a wide-ranging fire service experience and wish to share what I know with others in the hopes that we can all share ideas.

I am not as talented or deep a writer as Capt. Wines from the Ironfiremen.com or the Fire Service Warrior Crew , but I have never been one to be like someone else. Even though I am a great teammate, and shift member I still tend to stand out from the group. Maybe its my devilish charm, boyish good looks, or overbearing personality either way that’s me.

So the bottom line of all of this sappy talk is just to say thanks, there are a ton of choices out there for you to get your fire service fix and I appreciate every second you spend here on this site.

Lastly, it is feedback time! Thats right I want to get better, I want to try to enhance the experience you get from this site. So drop me a line and tell me what you like, don’t like, want to see etc. Do you want to see more videos? Would you like to see some Averagejake Original Videos? Do you want more training content? Content from different writers? Do you want me to come teach a class at your department ?(FYI I offer a wide variety of classes both Fire and EMS) I want to know!

So please leave some feedback in the comments section or send me an email. Be sure to keep following along on twitter @averagejakeff

As usual thanks for reading, spread the word, and STAY SAFE!

3 Responses to “THANKS”

  1. I follow you because I am an aspiring firefighter and like to stay up on good content, and so I wanted to say thanks for providing good information. I am always looking for any information that will help me become a successful firefighter. I always like to see videos. Thanks again. -Rich

    • hdf561 said

      Thanks for the kind words and input Rich…I checked out your blog and it is great, I wish you luck in your pursuit of the best job in the world!

      If there is anything I can ever do for you please let me know, until then I hope I keep providing good content for you and eveyrone else to enjoy!

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